Rivet Shelving (13)

Rivet Rack

Tri-Boro Economy Rivet Shelving

Deluxe Record Storage Racks

Tire Shelving Racks

Tail Pipe Storage Unit

Open Boltless Shelving

Boltless Shelving with Solid Panels

Boltless Shelving with Wire Panels

Schaefer Shelving

Bolted Shelving

Hallowell Hi Tech Medium Duty Shelving

Four Shelf Boltless Double Rivet Shelving

Black Double Rivet Shelving
Rivet Shelving, also known as Rivet rack, wide span rack, double rivet shelving, double rivet boltless shelving, or speedibilt is becoming a very popular type of shelving or rack style. The benefits are manifest. Rivet shelving offers spans of up to 8 feet wide and depths of up to 4 feet deep. Capacities run to over 2000 pounds per level in some cases. Assembly is simple. The shelf components are put in place with the use of a rubber mallet. No nut and bolts or shelf clips required! Our rivet shelving is available with wire decking – for compliance with local fire codes where applicable , with pre cut particle board – for convenience, with steel decking – for capacity and finally – with no decking at all – for economy.
Rivet Shelving for Different Applications
Let's consider when you would want Penco, Lyons, Hallowell, or other rivet shelving. If you have a bulky load that is light enough for hand loading, a 48 inch wide industrial shelving unit with 24 inch depth simply will not due. Also, if your load requires machine loading you need pallet racks.
Our rivet rack is the most popular rivet shelving sold at A Plus Warehouse. It is in stock in both gray and tan. Basic units are 7 feet tall and include 3 shelves. Shelf capacity goes up to 1,500 pounds. This product is used in consort with an integrated storage equipment regime. In any warehouse customers require shelving, metal storage cabinets, conveyors as well as the plastic bins that you may want to use along with this product. Make the most use out of that warehouse space!
Why do I need Shelving?
So, why should you consider shelving at all? The answer is clear to this question. A thriving business is always growing. Although you may have floor space available now, with time you will outgrow your current space. By taking advantage of your building height , you may well be able to stay in your current space and do more business. Why double your rent for double the space , before you have taken maximum advantage of A Plus Warehouse industrial shelving. We are here to save you money by helping you optimize the productivity of your space.
Shelving is also key to warehouse organization.There is so much that goes on in a warehouse, it is too easy to lose track of what you are doing! Our bin shelving in particular is very popular for work place organization!
Types of Rivet Shelving
There are three types as rivet shelving, and we sell them all.
Single Rivet shelving – is low capacity , and is used in non-industrial application
Double Rivet steel shelving - is industrial strength – Tennsco calls this riveted Z BEAM
Double rivet shelving - double rivet with bent beams, allowing the same capacity with less beam clearance. IE: you can have more shelf levels with Z Beam than tradition double rivet with the same height post.
Most customers have us provide the particle board decking when they order rivet shelving from us. This saves the effort of contacting the local lumber store, ordering the wood and coordinating the second delivery. Convenience is a driving force here, and we want to make the whole process of ordering rivet racks as simple and quick as possible. If you need help in design of your shelving system , please feel free to contact our sales department. We have many years experience selling shelving and other materials handling, and are ready to help with your requirements.
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