Southworth (9)

Air Actuated PalletPal

Hydraulic Powered PalletPal

PalletPal Lift Truck

PalletPal Pallet Rotator and Inverter

PalletPal Stacker

Spring Actuated PalletPal

PalletPal Stack-N-Go Stackers

Heavy Duty Dock Lifters

Galvanized Dock Lift
A Plus Warehouse is a proud distributer of Southworth products. They manufacture many different types of lift tables, pallet trucks, and more! They have been in business since 1890 making work faster, safer, and easier. They provide ergonomic solutions to everyday problems.
Southworth is a member of many different industry associations including MHEDA, the material handling equipment distributors association, EASE, ergonomic assist systems and equipment,and MHI, the nation’s largest material handling, logistics and supply chain association.
Materials Handling Equipment makes for better ergonomics. Better ergonomics leads to a happier and healthier work place. This leads to increases productivity and an improved bottom line.
Going Green
Southworth is doing their part in going green. They reuse, conserve, and recycle. Pallets are reused for outbound shipments, cardboard boxes for parts, and packing and dunnage materials are reused as well. They always turn off lights when not in use as well as having programmable thermostats for minimal energy use. Records and files are also stored electronically to conserve paper. They recycle bottles and cans as well as paper and batteries.
Southworth encourages employees to go green by installing a bike rack, a great alternative to commuting!
Pallet Handling Equipment
Southworth is a great source for all sorts of pallet handling equipment including pallet levelers and pallet lifts.
Spring Actuated PalletPal
The most well known PalletPal is the spring actuated PalletPal. This is the original, automatic, self-leveling pallet leveler that makes loading and unloading pallets a breeze!
Product features an easy 360-degree rotating turntable and is fast and easy to install. This product help s to prevent those costly workers compensation claims!
Hydraulic Powered PalletPal
The Hydraulic Lift is good for loads where the product mix is dissimilar. It is powered with 115/1/60 voltage. Fork pockets make for easy relocation and product also has great stability.
Air Actuated PalletPal
The Air Actuated PalletPal is equipped with pressure adjustable airbag which works in conjunction with a permanent spring. The product also includes fork pockets for easy portability and stability. The lift handles a wide variety of varying pallet loads.
Dock Lifts
Heavy Duty Dock Lifters
These lifts come with capacities between 16,000 and 20,000 pounds. They are made in the USA and have a pre wired power units and control panel. The lift includes a weatherproof push button control with 20 feet of coil cord. Excell flow protection for controlled descent under hydraulic rupture is a great safety feature. The lift also includes removable lifting eyes for easy instillation as well as maintenance strut to support lift during maintenance.
Galvanized Dock Lift
The galvanized lift features corrosion resistant galvanized base and legs. The lift can service any truck bed or dock height. It holds up to 6,000 pounds. The diamond tread deck creates better traction to avoid slipping. Lift includes bevel toe guard platform as well as flow control valve with adjustable lowering time.
A Plus Warehouse
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