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Imperial Woodwork (6)

Imperial Woodwork is the largest manufacturer of church furniture in the United States. The company has been manufacturing high quality church furniture since 1960. Their furniture includes pulpits, and communion tables.

Our standard and winged pulpits meet the needs of any congregation. It is made with the finest quality red oak. The standard pulpit provides easier mobility, whereas the winged pulpit has more intricate designs and moldings. Check out the two pictures in order to compare and contrast.

Similarly, the church pulpit is beautifully designed and comes with closing door on the back. It includes an adjustable bible rest as well. The pulpit measures 36” X 24” X 36”. We recommend matching this particular product with the Church Communion Table.

The Church Communion Tables comes standard with closing door in back. “ This  Do In Remembrance of Me” comes engraved.

 Imperial Woodwork Website

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