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Fairbanks Scales (4)

If you want high quality scales, you can also rely on Fairbanks Scales. They have been in industry leader in scale technology since 1830! They are still a leader in the industry today. They provide customers with superior products and reliable service. Fairbanks scales is constantly working to improve and innovate products. A Plus Warehouse is happy to have them as part of the line up.


Check out the Fairbanks Deluxe Floor Scale. It is a popular Fairbanks scale that is quick to ship and very durable. It has a very large 4 ft X 4 ft X 3 inch platform. The display is 1 inch backlit lcd. Scale and indicator are ntep and Canadian weight and measures approved. The product includes unique patented load cell foot deign and also features diamond deck for skid resistance. Corner adjustments are eliminated with this scale.  This scale includes 25 foot cable and black nema 12 enclosure.  Scale is recommended for above ground pallet weighing. Choose between scale with 2,500 pound capacity or 5,000 pound capacity.

                Order a Fairbanks Scale from A Plus Warehouse, your right source right now. We have been in business for over two decades and love to help customers find the perfect product to fit their needs!


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