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Spill Containment (5)

Spill containment products are a necessity for cleaning up potentially dangerous spills. They keep your workspace safe while also keeping the planet clean. They are essential for oil  clean up. A Plus Warehouse is happy to supply absorbent pads, spill kits, and other containment solutions.

Customers may be interested in our containment berms. We offer several different kinds of containment berms including but not limited to  extreme deluxe berms, washdown berms, and drive through flexwall berms. Our extreme deluxe berm protects against harsh liquids such as petroleum, oils, and grease.  Support walls ensure that chemicals don’t spill out. Fabric is PVC coated. This makes it ideal for frequent drive in an out applications. Drive through flexwall berms are also excellent for this sort of application. It is recommended if you often have big trucks driving through. It also eliminates damage to the corners. The capacity for this product goes up to 5,431 gallons. Another popular berm I our washdown berm. It is recommended for capturing contaminated water. It is easy to store. All you need to do is remove foam inserts and folding material.

                A Plus Warehouse is your right source right now for spill containment. At A Plus Warehouse, we are a big enough company to fill your order accurately and quickly, but small enough to know that every order matters! Order Now!

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