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Clearway (6)

                If you are looking for flexible doorway solutions, then you are in the right place. Clearway has been making vinyl doors and curtain products for well over 60 years. They are a leader in their industry.  The company is constantly innovating as well as offering quick shipping times. Their products are compliant with safety standards.

Clearway has many strip doors with either standard or low Temp PVC strips. The difference between these two types is that the standard is best for environments with ambient temperatures such as warehouses. On the other hand, Low Temp strips are meant for extremely cold environments such as freezers. When installing strips, make sure to space them closer together with high overlap for loading docks or exterior doorways with excess wind, or temperature control applications where energy saving is critical.

                If you are choosing PVC strip, you must also decide between smooth and durarib strips.  Smooth strips offer great visibility and are easy to clean whereas durarib strips is designed for high traffic applications.

                It is essential to have strip doors as part of your loading dock. They keep the temperature controlled, so warehouses remain comfortable during the winter and cool during the summer. They also keep flies and mosquitos out. This is a must with the constant loading and unloading that takes place on a loading dock. Most loading dock strip doors use 8-inch-wide PVC strips. For a loading dock taller than 10 feet however, 12 inch wide strips are used.


Check out the Clearway website!

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